Have you any thoughts as to where we might be going? Well....we are headed to.......
What do you think now? We are headed to......
...a town of 19,000 people. This town has paved roads, intersections, grass, trees, restaurants, banks, pharmacies, a post office, gas stations, and all kinds of retail stores. James is thrilled because there is a Boston Pizza in town. Charlotte is happy there is a McDonalds. Patrick is happy there is an indoor pool complex. Greg is happy there are several grocery stores with fresh (as opposed to frozen) food. I am happy there is a Walmart. In addition, there is a movie theatre, airport, small mall, and a great book store called The Book Cellar. Cool name, huh?
Any guesses? We are headed to.....
...a town where I will be teaching Core French to Grades 4-7. Greg will be supply teaching for now until something else comes along. We are hoping he will find an LTO (long-term occasional position) or better yet, get a job with the Ministry of Education or another part of the government. This school is a Catholic school, and the kids are thrilled to be headed back to a faith-filled school environment, surrounded by those of like minds. I am happy that I am going to be teaching what I was trained to do, and am finally getting my career going. Incidentally, from what I can tell, having not seen my schedule yet, I will be teaching both Charlotte and Patrick. They are actually quite happy because I understand that they haven't been using their French for over a year since they didn't take it in Tuk, so I will supposedly go easy on them. Hmmmmmm..........
Don't you hate that I'm dragging this out? We are headed to....
...a place that is accessible by airplane. Simply fly from Toronto to Calgary or Edmonton and then connect. Easy peasy. Gramma and Grampa Wilson have plans to visit soon, and my mom is also talking about visiting. Any and all of you are welcome!
Here's a final clue. We are headed to.....
...a town whose name begins with a colour and ends with a something you will find in front of you when you sit down to dinner.
Okay, that ought to make it quite obvious by now!!
As of Sunday, August 23, 2015, the Wilson Family will be residents of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.
Thank you to everyone for your love and support as we move across the country again. I will continue to blog about our life in the North, and although we are not living in a 'remote' community, we still have loads of new adventures ahead of us, and we look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in our new town (although some of you would argue that Yellowknife is remote, too. This is a matter of opinion, I guess. Heh heh.).
I will blog more about the actual town of Yellowknife as we make our journey there. Here's to a new school year and new beginnings!
Wow! That's exciting! Shouldn't be a culture shock to you at all! You know the far north... you've now moved south! The population likely will feel bigger because of all the northern communities that will likely shop there! Amazing there is a walmart in nt!
ReplyDeleteWow! That's exciting! Shouldn't be a culture shock to you at all! You know the far north... you've now moved south! The population likely will feel bigger because of all the northern communities that will likely shop there! Amazing there is a walmart in nt!
ReplyDeleteHey you'll get to keep your license plate!! What another great opportunity, I'm very happy for you guys! Maybe next time you're back in Ontario for a while we can see each other. We miss you here at the Bowman house! Please let me know what your address is, I may not be able to visit but I can send mail to ya! I hope you keep writing the blog too, I'm looking forward to hearing about life in Yellowknife! All the best, Bon Voyage Wilson family! (BTW Jack is going into French immersion, I may need your phone number too if I have French questions - The old brain can't remember everything from OAC French) : - )
ReplyDeleteImmersion est une très bonne idée pour Jack parce qu'il est né au début de l'année, donc il est plus âgé que les autres enfants dans sa classe. Tu seras fantastique avec Jack, surtout dans les années primaires. Je souhaite souvent que mes enfants étaient dans un program d'immersion mais il n'y avait que une choix quand ils ont commencé leurs études, et ça c'est Core French. C'est dommage. James et Patrick n'aiment pas la classe de français, mais pour Charlotte, français c'est son sujet préféré. Eh bien!
DeleteSuch an exciting adventure for all of you!
ReplyDeleteWe will miss you guys , of course, but I'm so excited for the new adventures your family is taking!
Plus, with technology we can keep up with you easily, which is amazing.
Have a safe trip, Wilson Family! Let the new adventure begin!